W. W. Jacobs

 W. W. Jacobs 's Books

A very well recieved series by W. W. Jacobs are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Sailor's Knots (Entire Collection), The Money Box, The Lady of the Barge and Others, Entire Collection, Little Masterpieces of American Wit and Humor, Volume II, Odd Craft, Complete, Deep Waters, the Entire Collection, Night Watches, Self-Help, Light Freights, Ship's Company, the Entire Collection, My Man Sandy, Back to Back, More Cargoes, An Adulteration Act, The Old Soldier's Story: Poems and Prose Sketches, Three at Table, The Three Sisters, His Lordship's Leopard: A Truthful Narration of Some Impossible Facts, Fine Feathers, Captains All and Others, Believe You Me!, Keeping Up Appearances, The Statesmen Snowbound, Husbandry, Love and the Ironmonger, The Old Man's Bag, Dirty Work, Easy Money, Cupboard Love, Shareholders, Fairy Gold, Family Cares, Good Intentions, The White Cat, Deserted, Sentence Deferred, The Persecution of Bob Pretty, Manners Makyth Man, Odd Man Out, Once Aboard the Lugger-- The History of George and his Mary, The Toll-House, Keeping Watch, The Boatswain's Mate, The Castaway, In the Library, The Lady of the Barge, Bedridden and the Winter Offensive, Odd Charges, Friends in Need, Watch-Dogs, Captains All, A Spirit of Avarice, The Nest Egg, The Guardian Angel, The Convert, Captain Rogers, Breaking a Spell, Striking Hard, The Bequest, The Weaker Vessel, Four Pigeons, Made to Measure, For Better or Worse, Prize Money, The Temptation of Samuel Burge, The Madness of Mr. Lister, The Constable's Move, Paying Off, Double Dealing, A Mixed Proposal, Bill's Paper Chase, The Changing Numbers, Over the Side, Lawyer Quince, Admiral Peters, The Third String, The Vigil, Bill's Lapse, His Other Self, Matrimonial Openings, The Substitute, Dual Control, Homeward Bound, Sam's Ghost, The Unknown, Stepping Backwards, Skilled Assistance, A Golden Venture, Establishing Relations, A Tiger's Skin, Bob's Redemption, The Head of the Family, The Understudy, Peter's Pence, Blundell's Improvement, Dixon's Return, John Henry Smith, which was published in 2022.